Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Biblical Land of Ophir (Peru), , Frances Bacon, Ben Johnson, King Solomon, and Gene Savoy
The possibility that Thor Hyerdahl suggests--that man traveled westward across the Pacific--might well explain the expansion of this concept from a Central American culture to a civilization of the East. Also the reverse could just as easily be true that ancient mariners have been shown to have traveled from the Old World to this hemisphere as long ago as 600 BC as demonstrated by the discovery by Gene Savoy in the highlands of Northern Peru at the headwaters of the Amazon River where he found a cave that housed three stone tablets or tables, one of which was roughly six feet long with carvings hewn into the stone in very ancient Hebrew and Phoenician that seems to say (translation of these very ancient Hebrew and Phoenician glyphs is somewhat problematic. It is estimated that they are from around 900 BC at the time of Solomon’s Temple construction, so the availability of scholars that are familiar with that old of writing is a problem so we need more research to absolutely verify the literal meaning of the inscriptions), “We have sailed across the big ocean and then traveled up this huge river (the Amazon) and we then traded for gold with these people and are going back to our home now”, or words to that effect. *
The discovery at Gran Valaya "ship" designs of the Chachapoyas from the tomb walls at "Pueblo de los Muertos"
In an article written for the journal of The Explorer's Club of New York (vol. 76, no. 4, winter 1998/99), explorer Gene Savoy recounts how he made the discovery of the symbol and described the glyph's appearance:
"At the conclusion of my 1966 expedition into the area, I reported a funerary monument near Tingorbamba [Pueblo de los Muertos].... The site was in the cliffs far above the Utcabamba River. We had found some thirty-odd anthropoid funerary coffins of mud and fiber which contained the mummified remains of dignitaries, apparently of the Chipuris culture. Further along we came across what looked like a royal cenotaph, a funeral monument erected to the memory of some titular personage. incised in the wall of one mud building we discerned two extraordinarily important glyphs. The smaller sign (8.5 inches high by 21.5 inches long) was the Babylonian hieroglyph for "ship." This compares to a figure in Unger's list of pictorial characters (E. Unger, "Babylonsches Schrifitum," Ziscar, 1920). The second glyph (14.5 inches by 36 inches in length) was also a primitive sign for "ship." The sign obviously indicated a seagoing ship with high vertical prow in the form of the Egyptian "hieroglyphic sign for God, reading neiter, he of the tree" (Margaret A. Murray, The Splendor that was Egypt, Sidgwick and Jackson, London, St. Martin's Press, New York).... What was this ancient sign doing incised on a mortuary cliff in Peru, we asked? How does one explain the conflict in chronology; i.e., a Peruvian temple built circa A.D. 1250 bearing a hieroglyphic sign dating at least 3500 B.C.? Adding to this enigmatic puzzle is the fact that this glyph for ship is found on rock art in the Dead Sea region of Sinai."
The commonly accepted theory is that the Indians of the Americas developed independently and owe nothing to outside influences before the arrival of the Spaniards. The existence of these glyphs strongly points to contacts in some inexplicable manner
Ophir was the distant land to which the fleets of Phoenicia sailed on behalf of Israel's King Solomon to acquire for him gold to build the Temple at Jerusalem. Its exact location has never been confirmed. In 1 Kings 9:26-28 we read:
And King Solomon made a navy of ships in Ezion-geber, which is beside Eloth, on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.
And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, ship men that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.
And they came to Ophir, and fetched from thence gold, four hundred and twenty talents and brought it to king Solomon.
The amount of gold retrieved was extensive. Four hundred and twenty talents is about fourteen hundred pounds. Another biblical passage (2 Chronicles) suggests that the voyage round trip took three years to complete.
The land of Ophir is described variously --a place in the east, a place of rivers and mountains, land of the sun, a place inhabited where even apes are found. No one has yet found this land of legend, although many have suggested various locations, in Africa, in India, and even in the Americas.
It is believed that King Solomon sent two fleets out to Ophir: one through the Red Sea, the route known to the Egyptians, and another right through the Straits of Gibraltar. It is generally assumed that both fleets sailed to a port on the coast of east Africa. But if it is true that Hiram's ships made the voyage in no less than three years, that location in Africa does not lend itself to this fact.... Many have suggested that Peru may indeed have been Ophir. Etymologically, the names of both places may have the same meaning: Ophir, "the land of fire," and Pir-u, "the land of fire."
Epigraphy is the study of ancient inscriptions. The science of epigraphy traces origins of writing and the evolution of written or alphabetic systems. This science classifies and explains inscriptions and, in a specific sense, concerns the paleography of inscriptions.
Inscription is writing in the form of letters, of words, or of other conventional symbols cut into a permanent material to convey some information or to preserve records. An inscription is distinguished, on the one hand, from manuscript, and is distinguished, on the other, from a picture or a relief that is intended to convey information or to record events, though inscriptions often are combined with pictures or with reliefs.
See “The New Atlantis” by Frances Bacon here ..
In 1623 Bacon expressed his aspirations and ideals in The New Atlantis. Released in 1627, this was his creation of an ideal land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit" were the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of Bensalem. In this work, he portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge. The plan and organization of his ideal college, "Solomon's House", envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure science.
There are some scholars who believe that Bacon's vision for a Utopian New World in North America was laid out in his novel The New Atlantis. He envisioned a land where there would be greater rights for women, the abolishing of slavery, elimination of "debtors prisons", separation of church and state, and freedom of religious and political expression.
Francis Bacon played a leading role in creating the British colonies, especially in Virginia, the Carolinas and Newfoundland. His government report on “The Virginia Colony” was made in 1609. Francis Bacon and his associates formed the Newfoundland Colonization Company and in 1610 sent John Guy to found a colony in Newfoundland. In 1910 Newfoundland issued a stamp to commemorate Francis Bacon's role in establishing Newfoundland. The stamp states about Bacon, "the guiding spirit in Colonization Schemes in 1610."[3]
Francis Bacon often gathered with the men at Gray's Inn to discuss politics and philosophy, and to try out various theatrical scenes that he admitted writing. Bacon's alleged connection to the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons has been widely discussed by authors and scholars in many books However others, including Daphne du Maurier (in her biography of Bacon), have argued there is no substantive evidence to support claims of involvement with the Rosicrucians. Historian Dame Frances Yates does not make the claim that Bacon was a Rosicrucian, but presents evidence that he was nevertheless involved in some of the more closed intellectual movements of his day. She argues that Bacon's movement for the advancement of learning was closely connected wit the German Rosicrucian movement, while Bacon's The New Atlantis portrays a land ruled by Rosicrucians. He apparently saw his own movement for the advancement of learning to be in conformity with Rosicrucian ideals.
In 1618 Francis Bacon decided to secure a lease for York House. This had been his boyhood home in London next to the Queen's York Place before the Bacon family had moved to Gorhambury in the countryside. Upon the passing of Lord Egerton (Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England), it now was available for Bacon to lease it. During the next four years this mansion on the Strand (so large that it had 40 fireplaces) served as the home for Francis and Alice Bacon. Over the next four years Bacon would host banquets at York House that were attended by the leading men of the time, including poets, scholars, authors, scientists, lawyers, diplomats, and foreign dignitaries. Within the banquet hall, Francis gathered the greatest leaders in literature, art, law, education, and social reform. On 22 January, 1621 in honour of Sir Francis Bacon's sixtieth birthday, a select group of men assembled in the large banquet hall in York House without fanfare for what has been described as a Masonic banquet This banquet was to pay tribute to Sir Francis Bacon. Only those of the Rosicrosse (Rosicrucians) and the Masons who were already aware of Bacon's leadership role were invited.[3] The tables were T-tables with gleaming white drapery, silver, and decorations of flowers. The poet Ben Jonson, a longtime friend of Bacon, gave a Masonic ode to Bacon that day. He had once remarked of Bacon, "I love the man and do honour his memory above all others."
There was a depth of love by a large body of men toward Bacon, similar to some degree in the manner that disciples love a Master.This is especially true when taking into account his membership (and some say leadership) of secret societies such as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons In the inner esoteric membership, which included Francis Bacon, vows of celibacy for spiritual reasons were encouraged.
and see the play “The Alchemist" by Bacon’s friend Ben Jonson, for further clues and evidence that there was secret or esoteric knowledge that a society of brethren were custodians of but at the same time they would release that same knowledge in hidden or symbolic forms through the arts. In the play “The Alchemist Jonson makes reference to the mysterious “Land of Ophir” the biblical source of the gold for Solomon Temple and the home of the precious and powerful Ark of the Convenant that was housed in the Holy of Holies for the thirty three years of Solomon reign.
SCENE I: An outer room in Lovewit's House.
[Enter Sir Epicure Mammon and Surly.]
Mammon. Come on, sir. Now, you set your foot on shore
In Novo Orbe; here's the rich Peru:
And there within, sir, are the golden mines,
Great Solomon's Ophir! he was sailing to't,
Three years, but we have reach'd it in ten months.
This is the day, wherein, to all my friends,
I will pronounce the happy word, BE RICH;
You shall no more deal with the hollow dye,
Or the frail card. No more be at charge of keeping
The livery-punk for the young heir, that must
Seal, at all hours, in his shirt: no more,
If he deny, have him beaten to't, as he is
That brings him the commodity. No more
Shall thirst of satin, or the covetous hunger
Of velvet entrails for a rude-spun cloke,
To be display'd at madam Augusta's, make
The sons of Sword and Hazard fall before
The golden calf, and on their knees, whole nights,
Commit idolatry with wine and trumpets:
Or go a feasting after drum and ensign....
And unto thee I speak it first, BE RICH.
Where is my Subtle, there! Within, ho!
Face. [Within.] Sir, he'll come to you by and by.
if you want to to tackle this play in its entirety you will find it here at this Alchemical web site
Ben Jonson (1573-1625):
Ben Johnson On Lord Francis Bacon, 1625
Ben Jonson, after Shakespeare the most eminent writer for the Elizabethan stage, was born in 1573, and died in 1635. He was the founder of the so-called "Comedy of Humours," and throughout the reign of James I was the dominating personality in English letters. A large number of the younger writers were proud to confess themselves his "sons." Besides dramas of a variety of kinds, Jonson wrote much lyrical poetry, some of it of the most exquisite quality. His chief prose work appears in his posthumously published "Explorata, Timber or Discoveries, made upon men and matter", a kind of commonplace book, in which he seems to have entered quotations and translations from his reading, as well as original observations of a miscellaneous character on men and books. The volume has little or no structure or arrangement, but is impressed everywhere with the stamp of his vigorous personality. The following passage on Bacon is notable as a personal estimate of this giant by the man who, perhaps, approached him in the field of intellect more closely than any other contemporary.
One, though he be excellent and the chief, is not to be imitated alone; for never no imitator ever grew up to his author; likeness is always on this side truth. Yet there happened in my time one noble speaker who was full of gravity in his speaking; his language, where he could spare or pass by a jest, was nobly censorious.1 No man ever spake more neatly, more prissily,2 more weightily, or suffered less emptiness, less idleness, in what he uttered. No member of his speech but consisted of his own graces. His hearers could not cough, or look aside from him, without loss. He commanded where he spoke, and had his judges angry and pleased at his devotion.3 No man had their affections more in his power. The fear of every man that heard him was lest he should make an end.
The discovery at Gran Valaya "ship" designs of the Chachapoyas from the tomb walls at "Pueblo de los Muertos"
In an article written for the journal of The Explorer's Club of New York (vol. 76, no. 4, winter 1998/99), explorer Gene Savoy recounts how he made the discovery of the symbol and described the glyph's appearance:
"At the conclusion of my 1966 expedition into the area, I reported a funerary monument near Tingorbamba [Pueblo de los Muertos].... The site was in the cliffs far above the Utcabamba River. We had found some thirty-odd anthropoid funerary coffins of mud and fiber which contained the mummified remains of dignitaries, apparently of the Chipuris culture. Further along we came across what looked like a royal cenotaph, a funeral monument erected to the memory of some titular personage. incised in the wall of one mud building we discerned two extraordinarily important glyphs. The smaller sign (8.5 inches high by 21.5 inches long) was the Babylonian hieroglyph for "ship." This compares to a figure in Unger's list of pictorial characters (E. Unger, "Babylonsches Schrifitum," Ziscar, 1920). The second glyph (14.5 inches by 36 inches in length) was also a primitive sign for "ship." The sign obviously indicated a seagoing ship with high vertical prow in the form of the Egyptian "hieroglyphic sign for God, reading neiter, he of the tree" (Margaret A. Murray, The Splendor that was Egypt, Sidgwick and Jackson, London, St. Martin's Press, New York).... What was this ancient sign doing incised on a mortuary cliff in Peru, we asked? How does one explain the conflict in chronology; i.e., a Peruvian temple built circa A.D. 1250 bearing a hieroglyphic sign dating at least 3500 B.C.? Adding to this enigmatic puzzle is the fact that this glyph for ship is found on rock art in the Dead Sea region of Sinai."
The commonly accepted theory is that the Indians of the Americas developed independently and owe nothing to outside influences before the arrival of the Spaniards. The existence of these glyphs strongly points to contacts in some inexplicable manner
Ophir was the distant land to which the fleets of Phoenicia sailed on behalf of Israel's King Solomon to acquire for him gold to build the Temple at Jerusalem. Its exact location has never been confirmed. In 1 Kings 9:26-28 we read:
And King Solomon made a navy of ships in Ezion-geber, which is beside Eloth, on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.
And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, ship men that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.
And they came to Ophir, and fetched from thence gold, four hundred and twenty talents and brought it to king Solomon.
The amount of gold retrieved was extensive. Four hundred and twenty talents is about fourteen hundred pounds. Another biblical passage (2 Chronicles) suggests that the voyage round trip took three years to complete.
The land of Ophir is described variously --a place in the east, a place of rivers and mountains, land of the sun, a place inhabited where even apes are found. No one has yet found this land of legend, although many have suggested various locations, in Africa, in India, and even in the Americas.
It is believed that King Solomon sent two fleets out to Ophir: one through the Red Sea, the route known to the Egyptians, and another right through the Straits of Gibraltar. It is generally assumed that both fleets sailed to a port on the coast of east Africa. But if it is true that Hiram's ships made the voyage in no less than three years, that location in Africa does not lend itself to this fact.... Many have suggested that Peru may indeed have been Ophir. Etymologically, the names of both places may have the same meaning: Ophir, "the land of fire," and Pir-u, "the land of fire."
Epigraphy is the study of ancient inscriptions. The science of epigraphy traces origins of writing and the evolution of written or alphabetic systems. This science classifies and explains inscriptions and, in a specific sense, concerns the paleography of inscriptions.
Inscription is writing in the form of letters, of words, or of other conventional symbols cut into a permanent material to convey some information or to preserve records. An inscription is distinguished, on the one hand, from manuscript, and is distinguished, on the other, from a picture or a relief that is intended to convey information or to record events, though inscriptions often are combined with pictures or with reliefs.
See “The New Atlantis” by Frances Bacon here ..
In 1623 Bacon expressed his aspirations and ideals in The New Atlantis. Released in 1627, this was his creation of an ideal land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit" were the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of Bensalem. In this work, he portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge. The plan and organization of his ideal college, "Solomon's House", envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure science.
There are some scholars who believe that Bacon's vision for a Utopian New World in North America was laid out in his novel The New Atlantis. He envisioned a land where there would be greater rights for women, the abolishing of slavery, elimination of "debtors prisons", separation of church and state, and freedom of religious and political expression.
Francis Bacon played a leading role in creating the British colonies, especially in Virginia, the Carolinas and Newfoundland. His government report on “The Virginia Colony” was made in 1609. Francis Bacon and his associates formed the Newfoundland Colonization Company and in 1610 sent John Guy to found a colony in Newfoundland. In 1910 Newfoundland issued a stamp to commemorate Francis Bacon's role in establishing Newfoundland. The stamp states about Bacon, "the guiding spirit in Colonization Schemes in 1610."[3]
Francis Bacon often gathered with the men at Gray's Inn to discuss politics and philosophy, and to try out various theatrical scenes that he admitted writing. Bacon's alleged connection to the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons has been widely discussed by authors and scholars in many books However others, including Daphne du Maurier (in her biography of Bacon), have argued there is no substantive evidence to support claims of involvement with the Rosicrucians. Historian Dame Frances Yates does not make the claim that Bacon was a Rosicrucian, but presents evidence that he was nevertheless involved in some of the more closed intellectual movements of his day. She argues that Bacon's movement for the advancement of learning was closely connected wit the German Rosicrucian movement, while Bacon's The New Atlantis portrays a land ruled by Rosicrucians. He apparently saw his own movement for the advancement of learning to be in conformity with Rosicrucian ideals.
In 1618 Francis Bacon decided to secure a lease for York House. This had been his boyhood home in London next to the Queen's York Place before the Bacon family had moved to Gorhambury in the countryside. Upon the passing of Lord Egerton (Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England), it now was available for Bacon to lease it. During the next four years this mansion on the Strand (so large that it had 40 fireplaces) served as the home for Francis and Alice Bacon. Over the next four years Bacon would host banquets at York House that were attended by the leading men of the time, including poets, scholars, authors, scientists, lawyers, diplomats, and foreign dignitaries. Within the banquet hall, Francis gathered the greatest leaders in literature, art, law, education, and social reform. On 22 January, 1621 in honour of Sir Francis Bacon's sixtieth birthday, a select group of men assembled in the large banquet hall in York House without fanfare for what has been described as a Masonic banquet This banquet was to pay tribute to Sir Francis Bacon. Only those of the Rosicrosse (Rosicrucians) and the Masons who were already aware of Bacon's leadership role were invited.[3] The tables were T-tables with gleaming white drapery, silver, and decorations of flowers. The poet Ben Jonson, a longtime friend of Bacon, gave a Masonic ode to Bacon that day. He had once remarked of Bacon, "I love the man and do honour his memory above all others."
There was a depth of love by a large body of men toward Bacon, similar to some degree in the manner that disciples love a Master.This is especially true when taking into account his membership (and some say leadership) of secret societies such as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons In the inner esoteric membership, which included Francis Bacon, vows of celibacy for spiritual reasons were encouraged.
and see the play “The Alchemist" by Bacon’s friend Ben Jonson, for further clues and evidence that there was secret or esoteric knowledge that a society of brethren were custodians of but at the same time they would release that same knowledge in hidden or symbolic forms through the arts. In the play “The Alchemist Jonson makes reference to the mysterious “Land of Ophir” the biblical source of the gold for Solomon Temple and the home of the precious and powerful Ark of the Convenant that was housed in the Holy of Holies for the thirty three years of Solomon reign.
SCENE I: An outer room in Lovewit's House.
[Enter Sir Epicure Mammon and Surly.]
Mammon. Come on, sir. Now, you set your foot on shore
In Novo Orbe; here's the rich Peru:
And there within, sir, are the golden mines,
Great Solomon's Ophir! he was sailing to't,
Three years, but we have reach'd it in ten months.
This is the day, wherein, to all my friends,
I will pronounce the happy word, BE RICH;
You shall no more deal with the hollow dye,
Or the frail card. No more be at charge of keeping
The livery-punk for the young heir, that must
Seal, at all hours, in his shirt: no more,
If he deny, have him beaten to't, as he is
That brings him the commodity. No more
Shall thirst of satin, or the covetous hunger
Of velvet entrails for a rude-spun cloke,
To be display'd at madam Augusta's, make
The sons of Sword and Hazard fall before
The golden calf, and on their knees, whole nights,
Commit idolatry with wine and trumpets:
Or go a feasting after drum and ensign....
And unto thee I speak it first, BE RICH.
Where is my Subtle, there! Within, ho!
Face. [Within.] Sir, he'll come to you by and by.
if you want to to tackle this play in its entirety you will find it here at this Alchemical web site
Ben Jonson (1573-1625):
Ben Johnson On Lord Francis Bacon, 1625
Ben Jonson, after Shakespeare the most eminent writer for the Elizabethan stage, was born in 1573, and died in 1635. He was the founder of the so-called "Comedy of Humours," and throughout the reign of James I was the dominating personality in English letters. A large number of the younger writers were proud to confess themselves his "sons." Besides dramas of a variety of kinds, Jonson wrote much lyrical poetry, some of it of the most exquisite quality. His chief prose work appears in his posthumously published "Explorata, Timber or Discoveries, made upon men and matter", a kind of commonplace book, in which he seems to have entered quotations and translations from his reading, as well as original observations of a miscellaneous character on men and books. The volume has little or no structure or arrangement, but is impressed everywhere with the stamp of his vigorous personality. The following passage on Bacon is notable as a personal estimate of this giant by the man who, perhaps, approached him in the field of intellect more closely than any other contemporary.
One, though he be excellent and the chief, is not to be imitated alone; for never no imitator ever grew up to his author; likeness is always on this side truth. Yet there happened in my time one noble speaker who was full of gravity in his speaking; his language, where he could spare or pass by a jest, was nobly censorious.1 No man ever spake more neatly, more prissily,2 more weightily, or suffered less emptiness, less idleness, in what he uttered. No member of his speech but consisted of his own graces. His hearers could not cough, or look aside from him, without loss. He commanded where he spoke, and had his judges angry and pleased at his devotion.3 No man had their affections more in his power. The fear of every man that heard him was lest he should make an end.
Ben Johnson,
Francis Bacon,
Gene Savoy,
King Solomon,
New Atlantis,
Thor Herdahl
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gene Savoy, who passed away in 2007, was, in my opinion, one of the greatest archaeologists of the 20th Century. He discovered 43 lost cities in the jungles of South America and connected his discoveries with others in the Middle East,
Pacific islands and Asia. But because he didn't have a degree in archeology and taught radical theories about ancient civilizations, he was discredited by the degreed archaeologists and the media. But he didn't care; he never sought approval and didn't want to waste years studying a dig and writing papers about it. As soon as he found one lost city, he was off on another expedition to find the next one. He left his finds for the academicians to study.
Savoy's main purpose for his explorations was the discovery of ancient spiritual practices, such as sungazing with crystals and gold mirrors, that transformed human beings into beings of light. His discoveries in this area are hinted at in his book Project X: The Search for the Secrets of Immortality. But if you want to know the details of this lost knowledge, you have to attend a four-year course of study at Jamilian University, which Savoy founded in 1972.
Savoy felt that this knowledge was so powerful that it could be misused by people. Just like the Essenes, who Savoy also studied, he kept this knowledge from the general public and portioned it out in courses taught at Jamilian University. Savoy wrote over 50 books used in these courses. These include: The Decoded New Testament, The Essaei Document: Secrets of an Eternal Race, The Lost Gospel of Jesus: The Hidden Teachings of Christ. A graduate of Jamilian University can become a minister of the Second Advent Church.
Long-time sungazer Vinny Pinto had this to say about Gene’s religion: “It is apparently an amalgamated system of methods for spiritual growth, practices to achieve immortality, and other stuff, which includes lots of sungazing. He and his church are closely linked to claims of the rediscovery of the Essene doctrines and Essene practices of worship. He related some fascinating tales of increased health, increased intelligence, spiritual opening, intuitive access and body energy from the sungazing… He claimed that numerous ancient Incan and Aztec high priests and shamans had used sun gazing for health, regeneration and healing purposes..., and claimed that sungazing was an essential part of the path to immortality."
A year or so before Savoy died, I was fortunate enough to interview him. Here are a few excerpts from this interview:
Q: In Project X you wrote that "primitive man was able to rise to a civilized state by the discovery of the spirit through the teachings of a Moses, Plato, Jesus, Viracocha who introduced them to a hidden system or science of the spirit that gave them the key to their true nature and could put them in contact with the stars, with God." Is there a universal "science of the spirit" that was the basis of civilization in every part of the globe? Is sungazing a part of this science?
A: Long before recorded history there existed an ancient religious school composed of highly advanced mystics, representing many nations and peoples who taught the principals of religious arts and sciences, which were later lost to the world. The purpose of Project X was to reclaim these principles for the benefit of humanity. Looking at the sun is part of it. You have to see, or contact, the intelligence behind the sun.
Q: Why did solar cultures like the Mayans and Aztecs degenerate into human sacrifice?
A: This is caused by knowledge becoming mundane, when oral traditions are lost.
Q: Quetzalcoatl, a Christ-like figure, promised to return after a cataclysm and a new sun would purify the earth with fire. Would the appearance of a Christed one be the second coming or would it be the new sun, the Sun of Righteousness, or both?
A: The Second Coming is the new Sun of Righteousness
Q: Do you feel this prophecy and that of Malachi about the Sun of Righteousness burning the wicked and healing the righteous will soon be fulfilled? Some think that the unusual activity of the sun in the middle of the current solar cycle will lead up to catastrophic solar flares when it reaches it's peak in 2012.
A: It’s inevitable. It’s going to happen.
Q: What can we do to prepare for this?
A: What we can do is follow the teachings that have been laid out. These are the oral teachings of the Essenes, the Paradosis of Jesus, which is now available only through Jamilian University.
Q: In the Bible, it records that Jesus, just before he performed a miracle, as in raising Lazarus from the dead, "lifted up his eyes." Was he sungazing?
A: Of course that’s what he was doing, looking at the Light behind the sun. The origin of light is spirit.
Q: Is sungazing a two-way stream of information, such that whatever you ask for in prayer while gazing at the sun has a much better chance of manifesting?
A: Yes, there is a two-way exchange.
The goal of the Second Advent Church is to bring to light the lost teachings of the Essenes and clarify what the application of this knowledge can mean for spiritual enlightenment and religious renewal today. It calls this enlightenment and renewal the "Emerging New Christianity."
Savoy taught that in order to participate in this renewal a person had to apply cosolargy, which includes sungazing and other techniques such as meditation, in order to awaken the individual soul or Light Body for a conscious return to the spiritual origins of one's being. Cosolargy is a combination of the words "cosmic," "solar," and "logos." It consists of the essential theory, techniques and rituals of a divine religious art and science. In essence, it is the secret teachings of Jesus, the Essenes, and original Christianity before it became adulterated and diluted by the dogma of an orthodox Church. One of these teachings is that a certain quality of sunlight, which Savoy called the "X factor," can purify the soul, and that pure souls return to the sun. Heaven is in the sun.
The Theosophist Alvin Boyd Kuhn wrote in The Lost Light: "Christianity forsook its high station on the mount illuminated by solar radiance when it submerged the Christly sun-glory under the limitations of a fleshly personage and dismissed solar religion as 'pagan'... It forswore its early privilege of basking in the rays of the great solar doctrine. Light, fire, the sun, spiritual glory -- all went out in eclipse under the clouds of mental fog that arose when the direct radiance of the solar myth had been blanketed. Christianity passed forthwith out of the light into the dreadful shadows of the Dark Ages. And that dismal period will not end until the bright glow of the solar wisdom is released once more to enlighten benighted modernity."
Will cosolargy and the emerging new Christianity mark the end of the Dark Ages? Only time will tell. As for Gene Savoy, I suspect that he could care less. He's probably too busy exploring the ancient civilizations on the sun.
Jamilian University
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Who is Gene Savoy?
Dawn of the New Solar Age
Gene Savoy, a self taught explorer and metapysical teacher, whose success in finding some 40 Incan and pre-Incan ruins in Peru was matched by a flair for self-promotion that drew on his tales of peril in the jungle, his bandito mustache and Stetson hat, and a retinue of fellow explorers,and members of "The Andean Explorer's Club", has passed away on Sept. 11 2007 at his home in Reno, Nev. He was 80.
Mr. Savoy, who even founded his own religion as a long propehesied "supplement" to Christianity, was a larger-than-life character and did not care who knew it. His quests were larger still: He sought the Fountain of Youth, the Treasure of El Dorado, proof that King Solomon’s mines, (the source for the huge quatities gold needed for the 'Holy of Holies" to house the leganday Ark of the Convenant), were located in Peru and that Peru was the biblical "Land of Ophir". and what his son called “the answers to life's questions.”
His actual discoveries included Vilcabamba, the Incas’ last refuge from the Spanish Conquistadors, the place Hiram Bingham thought he had found with his discovery of Machu Picchu in 1911. He is also credited with finding Gran Pajatén, a pre-Incan stone city. And his discovery of Gran Vilaya, an intricate network of 24,000 stone structures covering 100 square miles of dense jungle, helped establish that a high civilization had existed in Peru apart from the coast and the Andes.
“He was a great adventurer and explorer,” Tom D. Dillehay, an anthropology professor at Vanderbilt University, said in an interview Monday.
Warren B. Church, an archaeologist at Columbus State University in Georgia, particularly applauded Mr. Savoy’s discovery of Vilcabamba. But as for Gran Pajatén, he said, Mr. Savoy’s claim of discovery in 1965 was not the first. He said a local mayor had reported that his townspeople had found the ruins a year earlier but that they had been ignored by the authorities in Lima.
That episode became further complicated when a University of Colorado team was given credit for the find in 1985 and Mr. Savoy objected that his own discovery had been widely reported 20 years earlier. (He neglected to mention the claim made by the local villagers still earlier, even though the mayor who had reported it was among those with him at Gran Pajatén.) When People magazine reported on the controversy between Mr. Savoy and the University of Colorado team, it likened Mr. Savoy to Indiana Jones, an image he assiduously polished in ensuing years.
Douglas Eugene Savoy was born in Bellingham, Wash., on May 11, 1927, and grew up fascinated with local Indians and archaeology. At 17, he joined the Navy and became an aircraft gunner. He attended the University of Portland, a Roman Catholic institution, but dropped out to pursue his broadening captivation with religion. For a decade, he studied subjects including philosophy, metaphysics, esotericism, deep antiquity, and folklore, both on his own and with private tutors. It was during this time that Savoy started having supernatural visions informing him of his future destiny in Peru.
Mr. Savoy went on his first archaeological mission in 1957, to Peru. It was canceled for lack of financing, but he stayed on. Then,in 1959, after a few years of journalism in his new found and adopted home in Peru, coupled with his pioneering work of exploration with mule and machete, he founded the International Community of Christ, Church of the Second Advent, which claims thousands of followers around the world. Its theology, which is said to emerge from the teachings of the Essenes of Jesus’ time, combined with his discoveries of ancient writings in the symbols and clues left behind by Incan and pre Incan solar priests, now includes elements of many world religions and holds that the Second Coming heralded by Christianity and the Holy Bible, is already occurring.
In addition to pursuing terrestrial archaeology, he organized missions and expeditions into the dense and unexplored jungles into the deep unexplored interior of Peru, in an effort to prove that ancient civilizations had been connected by sea travel. The first such mission involved a voyage on a reed raft from northern Peru to Mexico, that was closely followed by international television documentary team entitled "On the Trail of the Feathered Serpent".. Another attempted a round-the-world trip intended to prove that the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Japanese, Incas and Jews could have been in touch.
Mr. Savoy married the former Sylvia Ontaneda in 1971; they divorced in 1992. He is survived by the children of his marriage, Gene Jr., Sean and Sylvia Jamila Savoy, all of Reno; three brothers, Bill Dailey of Reno, Jack Dailey of Medford, Ore., and Douglas Leon Dailey of Talent, Ore.; and three granddaughters.
Mr. Savoy wrote 60 books on religion and four on his explorations. His penchant for colorful recollections never abated in interviews, even as his health worsened. He spoke of friends’ being kidnapped by pirates, of a nearly fatal bite of a pit viper, of the utter loneliness of the sea.
But he could also be downright practical about the worth of his accomplishments: he said his discoveries, based on hunch and chutzpah, had paved the way for serious scientists and all that are interested in finding new paradigms and techniques for spiritual development.
The organizations, metaphysical school and University, as well as "The Andean Explorers Club" that he left behind all attest to the remarkable and dedicated life he lived in his Quest for enlightenment, and service to mankind.
The following video interview with noted spiritual teacher Mitchell Gibson, explains how he learned from Gene Savoy the techniques and concepts necessary to look at the sun for "illumination" and transcendence. Dr. Mitchell considers Savoy his most important teacher.
Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson is a board-certified forensic psychiatrist, writer, artist, software developer, public speaker, and spiritual teacher. Dr. Gibson received his medical degree at the age of 25 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He then completed his residency training at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. During his last year of residency he served as Chief Resident in Psychiatry and received the Albert Einstein Foundation Research Award for his work in Sleep Disorders. Dr. Gibson is a former Chief of Staff at the East Valley Camelback Hospital in Mesa Arizona.
Dr. Gibson has been listed among the Top Doctors in Arizona in Phoenix magazine on several occasions. He has also three times been named to the Woodward and White listing of the "Best Doctors in America". He is a diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the American College of Forensic Medicine, and the American Board of Forensic Examiners. He is currently a public speaker a spiritual teacher and lives with his wife and children in North Carolina.
Dr. Gibson is an accomplished contemporary artist and has displayed his works in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Philadelphia, Scottsdale, San Francisco, and numerous other cities around the globe. He recently received the Jury Prize for Creativity in the competition at the Museum of Fine Art in Paris, and his art work is published in the Encyclopedia of Living Artists and New Art International.
Interview with Dr. Mitchell Gibson by Colossale TV, a French company that focuses on the spiritual journey withiin.
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